
(Joint venture of Department of Fisheries & Animal Resources Development, Govt. of Odisha, OLRDS & BAIF )


Animal husbandry, dairying activities plays a crucial role in national economy and in socio-economic development of the country. These activities have contributed to the food basket, nutrition security, and household income of the farmers and play a significant role in generating gainful employment in the rural areas, particularly among the landless, small and marginal farmers and women, besides providing cheap and nutritious food. Livestock are the best insurance for farmers against vagaries of nature like drought and other natural calamities. Following Gandhian values and with strong commitment of BAIF development research foundation has completed five years of operation of "Kalyani" in Odisha. The 'Kalyani' Integrated Livestock Development Programme was inaugurated by honorable Chief Minister of Odisha Mr. Naveen Patnaik on Oct 2010 to serve the backward and draught effected areas of Odisha.

The scheme aims at increasing milk production in project areas by emphasizing four major components :

The programme is sponsored and monitored by DAH & VS and OLRDS, Government of Odisha and being implemented by BAIF Development Research Foundation. The project aims to provide breeding, feeding and management services at the door steps of the farmers in the project area. These services is being provided through 100 nos. of "Cattle Development Centres" covering 1920 villages in 10 district of Odisha. BAIF with this programme successfully supported 143750 poor families to sustain their livelihoods through animal husbandry in Odisha.

In Odisha it is found that cows and buffaloes are kept by all sections of the community but the average milk yield is too less due to poor quality animals, resulting from severe genetic erosion, poor health care and acute shortage of nutritious feed and fodder.